Lab Services & Testing Systems:
Now more than ever, the worldwide photovoltaics market is looking into technology to
meet the needs for operational protection,
improved installed system efficiency, system reliability and
process control.
- HARREXCO is equipped to
enable core-process automation and testing for simulation purposes. Results quickly show if processes have
engineering flaws and allow scaling. Another advantage is the flexibility
assist photovoltaic manufacturers to achieve immediate results on
certification criteria and engineering required to remove certification
- We offer inline
and standalone, upstream, midstream, down stream testing solutions
and customized testing software (frontend and backend). Software engineering, controlbox setup, mechatronical setup is carried out in our own facilities,
this gives us the speed our customers expect from us. HARREXCO
solutions allow process monitoring and alarming in order to let the
process team react before it starts to cause costly downtime or
irrepairible equipment damage.